a framed front yard...for less than $800.00
This is a home owned by a great family who loves to be outside and loves their yard. Like most people, they have more ideas than they have time.
Together, we decided to round off the front right bed and have it sweep across the front of the house and meet up with an existing mature holly tree...In time, the bed will fill in and really frame this Cape Cod nicely!
The total cost of the project, including materials, was less than $800!
We used existing plants, divided them and re-placed them for greater affect...on a budget!
Using a hose, the homeowner marked off the line of the garden...I then edged it out, removed the grass and improved the dirt with top soil. Using what was on hand, i divided clumps of black-eyed susans, hosta, impatients, ferns, and lilies to populate the garden.
We also got lucky at the local hardware store...perennials were half off!
This was a great project that will have lasting benefits...I am looking forward to seeing it evolve over the seasons as we continue to add to it with new plantings, and divided plantings -- free is always appreciated!
Together, we decided to round off the front right bed and have it sweep across the front of the house and meet up with an existing mature holly tree...In time, the bed will fill in and really frame this Cape Cod nicely!
The total cost of the project, including materials, was less than $800!
We used existing plants, divided them and re-placed them for greater affect...on a budget!
Using a hose, the homeowner marked off the line of the garden...I then edged it out, removed the grass and improved the dirt with top soil. Using what was on hand, i divided clumps of black-eyed susans, hosta, impatients, ferns, and lilies to populate the garden.
We also got lucky at the local hardware store...perennials were half off!
This was a great project that will have lasting benefits...I am looking forward to seeing it evolve over the seasons as we continue to add to it with new plantings, and divided plantings -- free is always appreciated!